Development History of Game Platforms

What are game platforms?

When talking about the history of game platforms, the first thing that need to know about game platform is what the definition of game platforms. Therefore, to make it easy and faster to understand the definition of game platform from my own opinion is, a platform that can access or can use for playing any kind of games in an electronic term. Which the uses of this platform to entertain the user or people to be more relax and release their tension or stress.  Moreover, due to the time modern technology, people now can really see how the game platforms keep on evolving and compete with each other which nowadays have 3 categories of game platforms which are: -

·         -    Console

·         -    Pc

·        -     Mobile Phone



The first platform that will be explain in the history of game platforms is Console platforms. The short definition of console platform is where the platform has a controller and body that attach to the screens. Which basically a home base game, for further a due here are the stages from the early stages of console to the present day which people know nowadays.


Early stages

Arcade Machine

When talking about the early stage of console, the first one that made this console version of platforms existed due to the early arcade machine that created by Atari, Inc in 1972 which can be seen on the figure below the first successful arcade game machine ever been created which is “Pong”. It can be seen on Fig.1 below the pictures of the arcade machine that shows the changes and improvement in terms of the features, design and much more, compare between the old one which is the Pong arcade machine. The new one that shows at the same figure below as well.

Figure 1

Magnavox Odyssey

Due to the successful, arcade Pong Machine and the unique concept of Ralph H. Baer which was playing simple spot-based game on television screen. By the year of 1972, the Magnavox Odyssey released that made the first ever console game been created with Pong game build in inside but more into home version. This can be seen on Fig.2 below how the Magnavox Odyssey looks like. That really shows how simple and classic the console really is.

Figure 2

Mid Stages

After years have passed, and the technology begin to be more advance. It really effects the evolvement of game console industries as well. Due to the high sells in console games, more company began to establish, and create more style of console with different shape, games, sizes and much more including the features. Therefore, here are the two top consoles platform during the “Middle Stage” era. Such as: -

Nintendo Entertainment System

When talk about the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES, this console was first introduced in Japan but with the name of ‘Famicom’ in 1983. However, the name was rebranded, due to the increasing of popularity of this console that launched at United State in 1985 and rebranded the console to what people knows now as Nintendo Entertainment System. Furthermore, this console also the original birth of the legendary video games franchise such as Final Fantasy, Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda and much more. In addition, the image of this console can be seen on Fig.3 below with the image of Sega Genesis. Which clearly can be seen that both of the company produced best and top produce during that era, that cause their console have own uniqueness and own styles.


Sega Genesis

Talking about Sega Genesis, during this era both of this company Nintendo and Sega were competing with each other. In terms, who create the best console, since both of the company originally from Japan. However, Sega Genesis is more into Japanese-based that start from arcade machine in 1980, and start to created they own home-based console on 1989 in United State. But first released in Japan on 1988 with the name of Mega Drive. Moreover, these two companies really gave impact to console industries nowadays. Firstly, because of the style and games that the both companies had been created that let the future generation in console industries to create more and unique console as well as video games. Like Nintendo Company, Sega also have the legendary character and video games that until now people knows them well like, Sonic the Hedgehog and Mortal Kombat. 


Present Stages

The last stage of in the timeline of console will be the present day. In this era, more console was invented and more console were developed. This is due to the modern technology that people have which helps most of the inventor to create more stylish and modern style of console. However, during this era the improvement will not stop right there, because of if they discover more things and much advance technology as well people demand. The console companies will keep on improving. Therefore, the good example of present stage of console will be PS5 and Nintendo Switch.



The first one that will be explain is about PS5. PS5 or PlayStation 5 is one of the Sony Interactive Entertainment franchises that started in 1995 the PS1 of the first PlayStation 1. Due to the high popularity and high good respond from the audience. The PlayStation are keeps on evolving years after years that until one still one of the best consoles when they release PS5. This new and modernized console style released in 2020 November 19 for the world-wide release. This version of console, really have lots of features on it and lots of improvement from the previous one, like shows on Fig.4 below, the images of this console and the Nintendo Switch console. By seeing the image below, really shows that how advance and how neat as well as attractive the present-day consoles really are. The combination of colours, light, the sizes, shapes and more that will be comparing it more on the features section part below.

Figure 4

Nintendo Switch

Others, example of present-day console will be the Nintendo Switch. The same company that created the old console that mention before, however for this time they produce more unique and instead of home-version console. The company create handled console version, that give good feedback from audience. Therefore, most of people might thinking why they create the handled version why not the home-based version like they been created before. The answer for this question is they need to go back in time when the PlayStation and Xbox first ever released, they console, during that era; the sale of Nintendo really drop down and other company like Sega start to stop producing console due to people less interest on them but not for Nintendo. The company have unique and brilliant ideas which instead compete the home-based console they create the handheld version. Which people can carry it around and play it anywhere they like, that helped the company made more people really interested on. Therefore, until now they mostly focusing on handheld version of console that produce what people know as Nintendo Switch, that release on March 3, 2017 while the OLED version of it released on October 8, 2020. Moreover, this handheld console also have lots of features rather than PS5 due to they have unique and creative style that include all of the console parts that makes the console is the best console ever. On Fig.4 also shows how the Nintendo Switch looks like, with two colours and screens on the middle of it.


For the second game platform will be about Pc or Computer. Short definition of Pc is one of the technologies that been created with purpose to use it for writing document such as letter, email, and store information inside due to the capacity of storage that this device can hold. Furthermore, the evolution of pc or pc timeline easy to understand by dividing it into two-part Early Stage and Present Stage.


Early Stage

In early stage of PC, the first computer that been produce in 1981 with name of IBM. This kind of PC wasn't like PC that people know nowadays. The computer looks very simpler than now. This is because of, the early version of PC only uses for written and storing documents only. The IBM computer can be seen on Fig.5 below, where the monitor in early stage was attach above the computer desktop that created by Don Estridge team engineers and design. For further explanation, about the features of early stage can be seen on Features and Limitation section.

Figure 5

Present Stage

Moreover, for the next stage of PC will be about the Present Day PC. The present stage of PC have lots of changes in terms of the design, features, and the components. Not only that, present day computer, much faster and much smarter than before. Therefore, the good example of present day will be Customize PC. It was started around 2015, where people start to challenge, who's the faster and nicer design; where the uses of RGB lights were commonly use. Follow by that trend, now people still create and customize they own pc by buying the hardware separately and build it by themselves. In Fig.6 below shows how the customize pc looks like, that really have different style and colours on it.


Figure 6

Mobile Phone:


Lastly, the third and the last platform on the list is Mobile Phone. This platform really well-known especially nowadays because, now mostly everyone has mobile phone. Due to it makes people life much easier. Same like PC, mobile phone have 2 Stage of transformation. Which is the early stage of mobile phone and the present day of mobile phone.


Early Stage

The good example of early stage of mobile is Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, this phone is the first ever phone that been invented. It introduced in 1983, with purpose of to make a call to other people that created by Martin Cooper. Which made people during that era easily to use it since its, portable. The design of this phone can be seen on Fig.7 below where it only have numbers that really shows this phone have few features and abilities.

Meanwhile, the next device that also appear which can consider as the early stage of mobile phone is Nokia 1011. The device was introduced in 1992, where more advance and improve from the first mobile phone. In terms of the design and the features also. Moreover, this phone also the first ever phone that have or include the video game inside, that shows this platform also can have game inside. Due to this, phone more phone in the future develop and improve, that then be what most people do now to play a game inside. Furthermore, Nokia 1011 can be seen on the same Fig.7 below that shows how different Nokia 1011 with the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X but the style of it still the same such as uses of keypad on the phone.

Figure 7

Present Stages

Out of platforms that already been mention above, mobile also one of platform that evolve and improve quickly. This is because of the demand of people keep on changing and the technology that keep improving as well. With all of that improve, more company create they own style and unique size and shape also features in mobile phone. As a result, the good examples of present day of mobile phone will be Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and iPhone 13.


Samsung Galaxy Z Flip

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, is one of the modern mobile phones, that release on 20th February 2020 created by Samsung Company itself. Which have lots of features on it and very unique style of mobile phone compare to the early stage. This mobile phone franchises, were first developed from Korea, where now it sells almost to the whole countries in the world. Therefore, makes this mobile phone really famous and well-known as well.

iPhone 13

Same goes to the iPhone 13, this company also one of the top companies in the world that keep and still producing mobile phones from the first appearance iPhone 1 that introduced by Steve Job. Until now the franchise of iPhone keeps on develop. That makes both of the companies Samsung and Apple compete with each other from the beginning of creating the smart phones. Due to the rivalry between two companies, where its created two system in people mobile phone nowadays which is IOS and Android user. Which IOS only available in iPhone or from Apple product only. While Android for most of the mobile phones nowadays such as Samsung. Back to the iPhone 13, the release date of this device on 24 September 2021. In Fig.8 shows both of the mobile phone pictures where the Samsung Flip clearly can be seen have flexible screen that can flip while the iPhone have neat and smart design on it with notch at the top of the screen.  


Figure 8

However, the main point here is, both of the present-day phones really show the improvement of mobile phones from the early stage the devices. More features, components, design, shape and produce smarter technology inside the phone. Where it almost can do what PC can do such as written document storing data or memories, using internet and much more. Furthermore, due to the first ever game that been applied inside Nokia in the early stage, it is really given big impact to the companies nowadays because of they keep produce mobile phones that capable of storing and running the big and more advance games in mobile phones.
