Software Engine


Section A

Software Game Engine

The first topic will talk and explain about software. Therefore, the software is use for operating the computer for every task that helps for the user to do any kind of task such as creating game, creating presentation, reports and more. In another term also, software also known as application, scripts and programs which run the platforms. As a result, below will explain is about the game engine software which are shows on the list below.

·         Unity Game Engine

·         Godot Game Engine

·         Unreal Game Engine

Unity Game Engine: For the first game engine is Unity Game Engine. This engine is one of the most and famous engines ever in game industry and even the top game engine ever used. Furthermore, the uses of this game engine, is to allow the user create they own video game by using all the features that already been build-in inside the software which support for 2D and 3D type of graphics. Furthermore, this game engine also uses for simulation as well because of the features of 3D that the software provides for the user. In addition, Unity Game Engine also a cross-platform game engine that’s means the video game can be either for computer, mobile phone and console platform. However, this game engine famous and well-known for mobile phone platform and VR (Virtual Reality).

Figure 1

Moreover, in terms of what type of language that this software is using C# type of language. With features of drag drop functionality. Meanwhile, for its either the software is free or not, the answer for this will be Yes, its FREE and Paid Licensing. Where, this software only free if the user use for personal project or for small companies that less than $100,000 annually otherwise, they need to paid licensing due to if they had $200,000 in annual revenue. In conclusion, the uses of this software game engine are where allowing the user to create 2D and 3D video game that can be either computer, console and mobile phone platform; with the help of the features that already been build-in inside the software. On Figure.1 above shows the logo of Unity that shape like box. While, in Figure. 1.1 below shows games that been created by using this game engine such as Pokémon GO, Cuphead, Hollow Knight, Assassin’s Creed Unity and more.


Figure 1.1

When talk about the features of this software, the features of this software have lots. However, below only 5 features that been mention.

·         The first features that have on this software will be, this game engine provide ‘One-Click Ability’ which means the software have the feature that can help the user, in terms of changing the platform for they video game from one platform to all platform such as from PC to console, to browser and to mobile phone. That only take a few minutes for the process.


·         Another feature that has inside the software is, this software has really good performance and have smooth rate for the kind all platforms where the user publishes their video games.


·         This software has flexible animation system build-in and have very unique that help the user to create more natural animation within short amount of time needed.


·         The software also provides a good result, which can be one of the features. Where this engine can produce high-quality graphics for example create AAA style of games, good in audio part and have a full-throttle action on it. Without any glitches happen on the user screen.


·         Lastly, this software also features ‘Asset Store’ where inside that store have lots of already made models inside. Which can help the user to use that available asset for their project and can reduce time for the user to create a video game by using this software.

On Figure.2 below shows that how the Unity Game engine looks like on the inside of it. Where it shows the process of animation by the software.


Figure 2

Figure 3

Godot Game Engine: For the second software game engine that will explain the uses and the short definition is about Godot Game Engine. In Figure.3 above shows the logo of this software that looks like a robot head design. Furthermore, this engine is one the game engine that famous on creating 2D video game. However, it also supports for 3D type of video game but its recommended more into 2D due to its easy to use by this software. Therefore, the uses of this software will be, it allows the user to create video games in a form of 2D or 3D type that create from the scratch without any assets that already build-in inside like Unity. Unlike Unity this software is based on ‘node’ where it can be reusable. Moreover, the user will have all game resources saved inside their computer file systems. Another uses also, on this software is it can be use by these 3 operating systems such as macOS, Windows and Linux. This software one of cross-platform which are targeting Mobile Phone, Web Platforms and PC.


For the what kind of language program that use for this software, the answer will it support lots of languages on this software. That include C++, C# and other type languages such as Rush and Nim. Not only that, this software also have they own script which it commonly use by the user which is GDScript, that similar like Python language. In terms of its either the software is free or not; the answer will be yes, it is free to use for the developer or user to create they video games. In conclusion of the use of this software is like Unity, where it allows the user to create they video game in a form of 2D or 3D type of video game. Where it recommended to use 2D type of video game with this software. In addition, this software, as well don’t have any already made game assets which tell the uses of it to allow the user to learn creating the video game from the scratch by using the tools that been build-in inside. On Figure.3.1 below shows one of the example of game that created by using this engine and how the software looks like on the inside.


Figure 3.1

For the next part will be the features that have inside the software itself, where it helps the process to be faster and easier for the user to use or it help the user to create a good video game.

·         The first features of this software will be it have a gorgeous 3D graphics. This is because of this software is easy to use shader language due to it based on GLSL that already build-in inside the software with code completion. Another reason also because of this software have global illumination that help for pre-baked in order to create beautiful result.

·         The next feature that have inside the software is it easy to create a 2D video game. This is because of the software have this software have build in the tools inside such as: -


ü  It have animate by using cut-out or based of sprite animation

ü  The software have tile map editor which use for rotation, custom grid shape and more

ü  Another things also this engine have 2D light and normal maps tools that give the 2D video game to be more realistic looks


·         For the next features will be, like mention before, this software support lots different kind of script which one of it will be C++.


·         Moreover, this software also features to have multi-platform editors where it can easily work on Window, mac OS, Linux and *BSD operating system that run in 32 bit and 64 bit in all platform.


Unreal Game Engine: Lastly, will be talking about Unreal Game Engine, which the software that will explain. This software is one of the best 3D game engine software that use for creating video game with realistic and high-quality result. Even though the uses of this engine mostly well-known as for creating video. However, there also another uses of this software due to the abilities of creating realistic result, such as it also use for Architecture, Broadcast and Live events, Film and Television and more. This software also have various mechanism that already provide a platform for the user that help them to run the game. With the help of this set tools that have inside the software it help the user to use it for their video game with the help of the huge systematic set of tools. Furthermore, this software also have like Unity where it have a assets already been provided inside the software itself, but this software also have sound engine inside and Gameplay Framework provided.


Figure 4

In terms of the languages that use for this software, it completely build on object-oriented principle and using Java or C++. In short, this software support Java and C++ language. Meanwhile, the another things will be its either the software is FREE or not. The answer will be its Free to use if the project or the video game is for personal use only. However, it the user sell it they need to pay for the 5% royalty to the company itself due to selling the video game by using their software engine. In conclusion, the uses of this software is it use to create 3D video game with high-quality and photorealism type of art. Where this software not only use for gaming industry side but also use for multiple industry like mention before. On Figure.4 above shows that the logo of Unreal game engine that can be seen the logo is shape of letter ‘U’. While the Figure.5 below shows that the example of video game where the developer use this engine to created that video game such as The Ascent, Observer and Stray that shows on below.


Figure 5

In addition, for the feature that have inside the software itself will be like shows on below:

·         The feature that have inside the engine will be this engine have animation feature that help the user to animate their characters with the helps of the software advance tools. Such as control rig and full-body IK, Live Link data streaming and more


·         The second features of this software is it have a simulation and effects build in inside of the software. Where it have help to user to create more accurate animal and human character by the simulation such as the strand-based hair and fur, chaos physics and destruction, as well as Niagara particles and FX.


·         Another features will be it have a world building inside. Which help the process of creating the world much quicker based on real-time environment such as the sky, cloud, water system, terrain tools and more.


·         Lastly, will be the software also feature integrated media support where Unreal Engine support all of the user video as well as audio. With the help of Unreal Audio Engine, Media Framework and more.


The inside of this software can be seen on Figure.6 below where shows how the software looks like and tools inside the software.

Figure 6
