Features and Limitation

Arcade Machine

Size and Shape

In terms of the shape and size of this machine. It clearly can be seen on figure below the shape mostly like a box shape with little bit of curve on the front side. While the size is really big that until nowadays can be see all arcade machine have large and box kind of shape but arcade machine can only be users in certain areas such as arcade store, supermarkets, game festivals and much more. The reason of this bigger size because of in Arcade Machine, mostly have multiplayer mode that need more space for the audience to play. In Fig.9 below shows the old Pong Arcade Machine with a small size compare with the new one Tekken Arcade Machine, that shows on the image below how big and have more space for two people to play.

Figure 9



Moreover, in terms of the design of this machine. The design is much simpler than nowadays, that can be seen also in Fig.9 above there is no design only the name of the game and colours of that machine which is yellow. However, what the unique of this machine design it has a wooden design on the back, both sides and the front bottom of the machine that really attract people attention during those years. Meanwhile, for the present-day arcade, that also can be seen on Fig.9 above Tekken Arcade Machine. It really shows that the design of the present much better due to have lots of image on the arcade and much attractive colour chosen according to what kind of game that the machine provided. The only similar things will be arcade nowadays and before keep on putting the name of the game this is due to let audience know, what game that machine have from far distance.



Furthermore, another design of this Pong machine in terms of the screen. The screen of this machine really small rather than the new one which have much bigger screen that allow two people or more to see what on the screen. The comparation of both the screen can be seen on the same Fig.9 above.


Uses of RGB Lights

Lastly, the design that can easily notice by the audience will be about the uses of electric or lights. Which the present arcade machine use lots of RGB lights that design on the machines. This is to make the game much more interesting rather than the early day one “Pong” doesn’t have any lights that interest people from far distance.

This example can be seen on Fig.10 below shows that the Pong doesn’t have any lights on, it while the present machine have lights on that build on the machine itself.

Figure 10

But the only similar about those present- and early-day machine, both of them had been design to have only one game per-machine. That cause more people to spend their money to play another game.


Coin - generated

When talk the money spend that the machine will get, this is from the token that the audience buy from the arcade cashier in to gain the token coin. This is because of arcade machine use coin-generated that still use until nowadays. Which define its an arcade machine. In Fig.11 below shows the where the coin - generated located, that located at the bottom of the machine. In that figure also shows how’s different the early coin-generated design compares with the new design of coin-generated that makes the workers of the arcade machine easy to get the token back.

Figure 11

Another features for the present day that doesn’t have during the early day is the uses of ‘Card’ that basically the audience create they own cards in order to play the game with they own characters or they own campaign. The uses of cards mostly can be seen for Cars Racing game, like shows on Fig.12 below the location and example of machine that use cards by looking at the label of 'insert the card' that specifically use for that machine only.



For the controller part of the features, in this machine it only have two controllers, instead of joystick and buttons the Pong machine only have two round rotation switches. Where the player needs to turn the controller around in order to move. That can be seen how the controller looks like in Fig.13 below.

Figure 13

While, today the controller much easier and more comfortable to use. Example in Tekken fighting game, due to the evolution of the arcade machine, this allow the game like Tekken to be play easily by the customer or audience, because of the new style of machine controller have 3 or 4 buttons and 1 joystick per-player. Fig.14 below shows the controller of Tekken arcade machine, that have 4 buttons and 1 joystick per-player and one button per-player that they need press if they ready to play. Where the left side will be player 1 and the right side will be player 2, that’s the meaning by per-player.

Figure 14

Early stages, middle stage, and present stage console

For the features and limitation of console, here are some of the features and some limitation of each stage like mention above by comparing them from the early day until the present day of console.


Size and Shape

Unlike the pong arcade machine that been mention above, Magnavox Odyssey is kind of smaller version of that platform. That makes people can easily carry it around to one place into another. While the shape of this platforms is rectangular shape and it can be only played in the user’s house only. The size and shape of this console can be seen on Fig.15 below where the device size almost as big the small table on the image.

Figure 15

While for the Nintendo Entertainment System, the size of the console still big like the early stage but much simpler than before. Therefore, the size of this device is 3.5” (88.9mm) height, for the width of this console is (256mm) evacuant to 10.1” with 8” (203.2 mm) depth. Furthermore, when talk about the weight of this device is around 2.27 kg. The reason of the size and the shape looks big because of during Middle and Early stage of console, people still use bigger component inside. Which means most of the wires, system, and technology inside were big that cause it heavy and bigger due to lots of technology fits inside. In Fig.16 below shows the layout of sizes of this console.


Figure 16

Moreover, for the present-day console, which is Nintendo Switch. Since, this console is handheld type of console. The size is much smaller than another console. Due to the modern technology that give more abilities to the developer to create small components, with the right size. As a result, the size of this device is small with rectangle shape and have curve on the edges of it. For the calculation that according to Dimensions.com research, this device design for 4.01” height with 9.40” width. Therefore, the total depth of this console is 1.13”. In Fig.17 below shows the size layout of the Nintendo Switch.


Figure 17


For the design of this console, it only have two colours white and black only. However, this console also has a brown wooden type of texture around the body console and above side of the controller and have brown cables for the controller and console. That can be seen on Fig.18 below the design of Magnavox Odyssey. Other things also, this console design to have only one game which means the console only have one cartridge.

Figure 18

If the user wants to feel play on another games, the user needs to put the screen overlay on the television screen, that helps to change the environment of the game such as playing hockey but still with the same style of game that base on tennis table. This overlay can be seen on Fig.18.1 below, that shows the console have provide different kind of overlay for the player to use it which need light which in this case is the television screen. Therefore, the user can easily see what the overlay are.

Figure 18.1

While for the Nintendo Entertainment System (Middle Stage), the design is much simpler, by using two colours on its, such as light grey and dark grey. For the name of this console and words also can be seen on the body of the device itself, with a red colour on it. As for the design of the controller, the colours same like the body of the console but more into black and light grey colours. Meanwhile, the cables or wires of this console colour in black. The colour design can be seen on Fig.19 below, where the red colour only uses for wording such as the name of the console, name of the buttons and more

Figure 19

Another design also can be seen in terms of the uses of cartridge, where instead the cartridge can be seen from out-view like Magnavox Odyssey. Nintendo Entertainment System hide the cartridge, by opening the middle part where the cartridge can be put inside. This idea very clever because of it can avoid any damages, for the cartridge. Just imagine, if animals or someone that unintentionally broken it due to bumping, that cause the cartridge been breaking. In Fig.20 below shows where the user put the cartridge that located in the middle of the body. Moreover, the cartridge also can be change into another games.

Figure 20

As for the present-day console, which as Nintendo Switch, the design of this console is very outstanding and very technology modernized looks. First let’s talk the uses of this console colours, which this console have 2 different colours such as blue and red, both colours are the original design of it. That can be seen on Fig.21 below the two colours only for the controllers or Joy-cons of this console. While the black colours will be all those parts of the device such as the screen body part, cables, buttons, and other additional parts of this device with white logo at the back of the screen.

Figure 21

When talk about another design of this console, it has provided 3 kinds of mode. Such as TV mode, Tablet mode and Handheld mode. As for the two unique different that this company created, the tablet mode its design for the user to play in a multiplayer mode, where they need to open at the back of the screen and disconnect the controller from the body. This type of mode can be seen on Fig.21.1 below, where the screen of Nintendo Switch can stand and be a tablet.

Figure 21.1

On another hand, the TV mode is where the user can play the game of this console in home-version with the same game inside the device only by connecting it to television. This only can happen by putting the screen of the device inside the dock, that help it to connect to television. The image of the dock can be seen on Fig.21.2 below.

Figure 21.2

Also, not to be forgotten, that present day console like Nintendo Switch, are stop using cartridge anymore due to it expensive. Therefore, in this day they use CD or memory cards like for Nintendo Switch using game cards that consists games inside. However, using memory card also can be a problem where it can disappear or lost easily because of small sizes. In this console also the user instead using game memory cards they can only download the game from the application inside the console. In Fig. 21.3 shows the location of where they put the game cards are and the size of the card game.


Figure 21.3

Video setting

This console, have another feature which is the wires features that enable it to connect into the television screen, that allow the user to switch by connecting the 25’ antenna game switch that can be seen on Fig.22 below, that can change its television position either the Odyssey game view or back to the regular television view.

Figure 22

In addition, for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The cables not like Magnavox Odyssey, this device have easy to set up and easy to plug in. Instead of using antenna this device only uses the yellow and red colours that allow to connect from the console to Television. Furthermore, the console also has one another wires for the console to turn on. This can be seen two cables on the Fig. 23 below.

Figure 23

Lastly for the present-day console, it only has small and much easier to set up the console. Such as Nintendo Switch this video setting like wires only can be seen use when the user uses the dock of the console for the home-base only. The modern-day settings just feature with HDMI or Type-C cable, that cause it is much easier to connect. However, this only can be use for Television that have HDMI or Type-C only. Which means old television will hard to connect it and some cannot connect it at all. The setting cables can be seen on Fig.24 below, shows the Nintendo Switch use Type-C cables for the Television. 

Figure 24


When talking about the controller of this console. This console provides two controllers only, with a shape of box that much higher than the body of the console and much smaller in terms of the width. The controller have two knobs on the side of it, which is the left side of the knob where allow the player to move left to right direction. While the right-side knob is where allow the player to move up and down direction. Meanwhile, the reset button also can be seen on the top of the controller that reset the game by bringing the ball back. This console controller can be seen on Fig.25 below.


Figure 25

Unlike the early day controller, the middle day of device have much comfortable controller. Instead of having bigger and to control kind of controller. The middle-day console such as Nintendo Entertainment System, have 2 buttons on the right side for the character action, while the left side is the movement control. In the controller also have the start and select button on the middle of it. With smaller sizes and flat rectangular shape on it. In Fig. 26 below shows how the controller looks like.


Figure 26

Meanwhile, for the latest or the present-day console. Such as Nintendo Switch the controller of the device every unique. This is because of the controller can be unattached to the body of the console. That makes the controller be much smaller. That shows on Fig 27 the images of unattached controller. In this present controller also, instead of having the arrow button this console have two joysticks instead. That allow the user to use it much easier than before and more comfortable. It have 8 buttons in total which 4 of the right-side use to character action while the 4 left one use for arrow movement. Both sides have they own joystick also build-in where the right one for the camera movement and the movement purpose on the left side. This only can happen if its single-player, while if its multiplayer mode that need to separate the controller the user only have one joystick and 4 buttons to use.

Figure 27

In addition, the controller also has another feature which is having the trigger keys, where can be seen on Fig.27 above also. They trigger keys is basically mostly use in shooting game, those things also a new-features that been added for the present-day console. Not only that like mention also, if the controller of this console unattached, the trigger also will be on the different positions which is at the above side of the controller like shows on Fig.27.1 below.

Figure 27.1 

However, even though the present-day controller sounds amazing but it not that comfortable when the user unattached the controller. That makes the user hard to hold and hard to use it instead, which they need to buy more additional features that cost lots money to spend.


Early stages and Present stage PC


Size and Shape

For the Size and Shape part of the Early and Present day of PC. The difference between two early and present stage pc have lots of different. However, it is hard to tell how big in terms of measurement because of when talk about the size both early and present size are big. But if looking at the monitors and the desktop of PC nowadays the present day much bigger this is because since the present-day PC is Customize PC, that can apply more components inside that cause to be much bigger than the early one. While the IBM the early version of PC the size also big this is because of it attached with the monitor also, that cause the height of the old PC higher. But for the overall shape most of the present shape are still the same like early one which is rectangular shape only the size difference. In Fig. 28 below shows the comparations of both old and present PC, where the customize PC much bigger and its separately from the monitor unlike the IBM one.

Figure 28


For the screen or in this case the monitor of both days. The IBM screen is quite smaller and have limited monitor only can be use, since the IBM screen only attached to the desktop therefore, it hard to change the monitor. While, for the customize PC monitor, it have lots of options to choose which monitor the user like, and the size of it is wide and big that allow the user to see more by the monitor. Some of nowadays screen have curve style that very stylish and unique, that allow especially the gamer to feel much comfortable to see while playing game. Both of screens from early and present day can be seen on Fig. 29 below, that shows how big screen now from before.


Figure 29


In terms of the comparations of mouse, the comparations from outside view might be have not lots of difference, however, it can be seen with the both mouse been turn around. That can be seen on the early version of mouse use the rubber balls to makes the mouse move that cause the user to clean the rubber balls in order to make it function, otherwise it hard to move or oversensitive. This rubber balls can be seen on Fig.30 below. For the present-day instead they use rubber balls they use sensor to move it. The present-day mouse also have wireless mouse by just using battery. But most of people nowadays prefer to use wire one instead of wireless. The another difference is the design of both mouse, the early version doesn't have that RGB light, with only basic shape while today mouse have lots of different shape on it with RGB lights inside as well. That makes it more interesting. Like shows on Fig.30 also the present version of mouse.

Figure 30


Meanwhile, in terms of the Keyboard. The early version of keyboard not that very interest due to lack of colours and the lack of design on it. However, the position of the keypad is still the same until now, only the different is the design of it. For the present-day kind of keyboard, they add more things for the keyboard such as the RGB lights, the colours of every keycap, in short form it can easily customizable. Since, it can be customizing the present-day keyboard can be change by unattached the keypad and attach with others design like shows on Fig.31 below. In the same figure also can be seen the style of old keyboard that looks very classic and simpler. This is because of, the improvement of people creativity especially for the gamers that always have unique ideas in terms to design they PC that create the keyboard now looks much nicer and interesting.

Figure 30 

PC Desktop

For the last part of PC features, the early stage of PC desktop is already built type of desktop and it connect to the monitor. This kind of early stage of PC desktop, people can’t change and customize by themselves due to the already build. Which means, when they PC is broken, they need to buy the new one with the monitor as well. The design of, the desktop is very simple with only one colour that been use for it and it only comes with the rectangle box shape only. Unlike, the present-day. The changes really can be seen on the Fig.32 below, where nowadays the PC desktop have lots of interesting design where people can change the case desktop and add more components on it. Moreover, the present type of desktop such as the customize PC, most it have RGB light on it and with glass as they desktop case. The size of the desktop is quite bigger than before but it’s very interesting to see because of it not attach or connect like the early days style. Where the monitors were above the PC desktop, while now the desktop mostly beside the monitor where it connected through cables only. In Fig.32 below shows the two desktop PC, the IBM PC, and the Customize PC.


Figure 32

Early stages and present stage Mobile Phone


Size and Shape

In terms of the size and shape of present and early-stage mobile phone. In the early day of mobile phone, since the uses of mobile phone during the early day only for calling and sending messages. Therefore, the size of that phone big from what people know now because of before the components, inside were big rather now they minimize the size to smaller version. Due to big size, it’s that hard to keep it inside the pocket due to the large size of it such as the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. It’s not only that, the size not only big but it also so thick that hard to use it by one hand only. While, for the shape of this phone; the shape of it more like rectangle shape with curvy on the front view for the keypad of the phone and the screen as well. Compare to the nowadays mobile phone, such as Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, the size of it much smaller and much thinner than before. That allow the user easy to carry it around and can easily put inside they pocket. When talk about the shape, the present phone mostly have the same shape which is rectangle but with curve edges. The size and shape also can be visual by seeing the Fig.33 below, that shows someone holding the phone of Motorola DynaTAC 8000X and the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, which can easily know how big or small the size of mobile phone before and now.


Figure 33


For the design part, here are 2 design that can easily spotted on both phone which can be compare with. Such as Camera and Screens: -


In early-day of mobile phone like Nokia and Motorola, the phone didn’t have any camera build in with the mobile phone. Where they need to carry camera to take a photo. Therefore, compare with the present-day phone, the mobile phone have they own camera build with it. That helps the user to take photo while they walking around without bringing any extra items such as Digital Camera. Not only nowadays phone even have front camera instead of only back camera, that makes the user easy to take photo with they friends, family and more; as well as they can see they face on the screen, that allow them to know how it will look like. In Fig.34 below shows iPhone 13 camera and the Nokia phone that’s, don’t have any back or front camera.


Figure 34


While, the next one will be about the screens of both phones. Both of phone have screen on it but the old version of mobile phone, such as Nokia. It only has small and limited space of the screen. This is because of most of the design of old phone were full with the phone keypad that makes the screen to be small. Not only that, since its small; the users will see only small space of chat texting that been send by someone. That makes them to press the down button to read it or playing game. However, today almost of the phone now are screens. Due to present day phone don’t use any keypad but instead more into touch screen type, that create the screen space much larger and the keypad only can appear inside the screen for texting purpose and due to big screen, it’s easy for playing game. As well more visual can be see inside bigger screen. But, the bad-side of it is when the screen is broken, the user need to change it or else it will not be working by, since mobile phone now access only by touching. In Fig.35 below shows both of Nokia and iPhone 13 screen phone, that shows how big the screen on phone now and how small the own phone really was.

Figure 35


Lastly, will be talk about the uses of internet. The early-day they don’t use internet for chatting and calling, because of the old version of mobile phone was using antenna that can be seen on Fig.36 below the antenna of Motorola in early-day and the uses of internet inside the present phone. Meanwhile, this present-day phone, still using antenna but its small inside the phone itself and not only that the present-day phone access internet. That internet, really helps the user to use for online searching and using different application inside that they need internet to do all of that. It also can call someone just by using the chatting application which also require for internet only. Therefore, if the mobile phone doesn’t have any internet on it will be hard to do all those things unlike before, since they use antenna, they only need to find service to call. In Fig.36 below also shows the iPhone 13 turning on the internet by using Wi-Fi. 

Figure 36


For the conclusion of this topic, it clearly can be seen that why all of the game platforms that mention above keep evolve due to the demanding of the audience, the improvement of the technology and the comfortable of using that device. Where the new companies learn from the old one in order to improve it because with the old version of those platforms it will not have the new version what people know now. From the features comparation also can be seen like PC and Mobile Phone, where before wasn’t for gaming purpose but after years developing the gaming stuff start to input inside both platforms. This to let more audience to access more inside those platforms; even though the first purpose was not for gaming, but at the end it can be for playing game inside. This shows how advance and improvement of game industries nowadays, due to most of platforms have games inside for entertainment and for gamer user.
